
Self-Service Market Research

Fast feedback, big impact. RateMyProduct™ (RMP) benchmarks your product or service against industry standards in just 5-7 business days by leveraging the expertise of The Science Advisory Board. Gain critical insights for market success quickly, on a budget, and without the guesswork.

The Process


Choose your target audience from a list of available market segments below and survey up to 100 respondents

Your Product

Provide a detailed product description including key features and pricing


Press GO and RateMyProduct™ dynamically configures a questionnaire from your product description

The Assessment

Gain a better understanding of the perceived values of your product in 5-7 business days through an automated report rating you on 7 key attributes:

  1. Perceived Innovation
  2. Feature Preferences
  3. Product / Service Differentiation
  4. Appropriateness of Pricing
  5. Intent to Purchase
  6. Marketing Effectiveness
  7. Brand vs. Product awareness
  • Plus, Overall Level of Interest in your Product

The Deliverables

Overall RMP score comprised of 7 key attributes rating your product.

Overall RMP score comprised of 7 key attributes rating your product.

Comparison to industry benchmark of all products assessed to date by the RateMyProduct™ assessment tool.

Available Market Segments


Cell Culture Techniques

Cell-Based Assays

Chromatography (Lab-scale purification)

Chromatography (Process-scale purification)

Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

Flow Cytometry

Gene Editing (CRISPR/Cas9)

High Content Screening

High-Throughput Screening (HTS)



Label-free protein analysis (including Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR/BLI))

Live Cell Mapping

Magnetic Beads

Mass Spectrometry



Molecular Transfer Techniques

Multiplex Bead Assays

Protein Purification Techniques

Real-Time PCR/q-PCR

Sequencing and Sequencing Applications (including NGS/Sanger/RNA-Seq)

Single Cell Analysis






Ready to quickly benchmark your product against the industry? Contact us today to get started!