The Market for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare, 2019-2024



Healthcare faces complex challenges, from staff reductions to increased service demands and funding cuts. In response, the industry is increasingly turning to advanced solutions that artificial intelligence (AI) offers. Kalorama Information’s report, The Market for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare, 2019-2024, quantifies the current and future opportunities for AI in healthcare, already an almost two-billion-dollar market with applications across various segments, including workflow, population health, drug discovery, diagnostics, and more.

Report Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Market Overview:
    • Analysis of the global AI in healthcare market from 2019 to 2024, including:
      • Global AI Market and Healthcare AI Performance Expectations (2019 and 2024)
      • Market Share for AI in Healthcare by Applications (Population Health, Workflow Solutions, Imaging, Diagnostics and Disease Management, Drug Discovery & Development, Other AI)
      • AI Healthcare Market Component Distribution by Application Segment (2019)
      • AI Healthcare Market Distribution by Global Region (U.S., Europe, China, Japan, Rest of Asia Pacific, Latin America, Rest of World)
      • AI in Healthcare Demand by Country/Region (2019 and 2024)
  • Key Healthcare Applications:
    • Population Health:
      • Market Opportunity (2019 and 2024)
      • Component Analysis (Hardware, Software, Services)
      • Competitor Review
    • Workflow Solutions:
      • Market Opportunity (2019 and 2024)
      • Component Analysis (Hardware, Software, Services)
      • Competitor Review
    • Imaging, Diagnostics, and Disease Management:
      • Market Opportunity (2019 and 2024)
      • Estimated Distribution of Sales (2019)
      • Component Analysis (Hardware, Software, Services)
      • Competitor Review
    • Drug Discovery and Development:
      • Market Opportunity (2019 and 2024)
      • Component Analysis (Hardware, Software, Services)
      • Competitor Review
    • Other Applications:
      • Risk Analysis, Fraud Protection, Cybersecurity, Data Mining, and Nutrition and Fitness
      • Market Opportunity (2019 and 2024)
      • Component Analysis (Hardware, Software, Services)
      • Competitor Review

Future Prospects and Trends:

  • Emerging AI Applications:
    • Health assistance and medication management
    • Precision medicine applications
    • Drug creation and support for healthier choices and decisions
    • Examples of real-world AI offerings, effects on traditional healthcare delivery, and patents in various market segments
  • Competitive Landscape:
    • Wide range of companies active in the AI healthcare market, including tech giants, pharmaceutical and biotechnology leaders, medical device companies, imaging vendors, and emerging companies.
    • Company participation by market segment, estimated investor funding, and market participation by leaders in AI healthcare (2019).

For further details and to purchase directly, please contact us.

Sample Report: A sample is available as a PDF upon request.





Table: Estimated Market Participation by Leaders in AI Healthcare, by Application, 2019 (in millions $) (%)

Company Estimated Sales for AI in Healthcare ($millions) Population Health Workflow Solutions Imaging, Diagnostics
& Disease Management
Drug Discovery & Development Other AI Applications
IBM Watson $178 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
Google, including Verily $70 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
Microsoft $60 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
Amazon Web Services (AWS) $57 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
Intel $53 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
SAS Institute $51 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
Cisco Systems $42 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
Philips $41 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
SAP $29 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
Nvidia $24 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
Siemens Healthineers $22 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%
GE, including Arterys $20 XX% XX% XX% XX% XX%

Source: Kalorama Information


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